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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
I've got a flow going
18:00:00 on 2006-11-07

The last two entries need a counterbalance, and I'm not sure if this is it, but here goes.

It's been a week and a day since my last entry, and I'm surviving. I'm taking my medication. I've got a flow going.

I've been told that I'm in a better mood. In fact, Roger even told rebuffed me today for being "so mellow."

I am making some progress on the changing my job situation – I'm have come to accept that the culture of my employer is dysfunctional and broken, and I need to Just Get Out™. I'm not letting it get to me to the point where I feel absolutely hopeless, leading to feeling drained and depressed all night.

Friday I actually applied for a job. Saturday I applied for another. Tonight I have one I need to put together and put in the mail. (I'd applied for another one about a week before I started taking medication, but I don't think I handled it well and the pay wasn't high enough to make me jump ship, anyway, so no loss.)

I've changed my eating habits a bit. I am trying to eat more vegetables and whole grains, laying off the sugar and fats as much as I can, and trying to reduce my caffeine intake significantly. However, if I feel like I need something I just have a bit and don't beat myself up about it, I just do better next time. When I get hungry late in the evening I either have something small, drink some water or try to exercise some willpower. I can't say I've lost any weight, but my clothes are fitting a tiny bit better and last night my blood pressure was ten points better.

Therefore, it appears that slow changes are the order of the day. I am just starting out on this road, so I will not be pushing it too far just yet – that's a recipe for disaster. Instead, I will let the small changes become habits and add slowly. It's like compound interest: I have a lot of things that need doing, but over time, they'll all happen, a bit at a time.

Just an aside: it appears that today is the day that the Amazon's Gold Box died. I can no longer pick up items from my favorites or browsing history at a slightly lower price; rather, I get asked if I want to buy things like 54-quart Coleman coolers. I suspect this will impact my purchasing at Amazon quite a bit. I'll be looking for deals on other sites.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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