15 Megs of Fame

Diaryland is da bomb I just *have* to tell you how much this all sucks. Who're these other people he's writing about? Who's the freak writing this, anyway? What's gone before. What's going on right now? Where do *you* visit on the web? What're you building right now?

Another smart-assed remark from Mike
"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
15:30 on 2013-03-01

Man. Five and a half years since I last updated. That's just... scary.

I am considering starting a new blog. Or wiki... or something. More here if I ever do.

I am also thinking about taking all this down. I will likely collect the content, but just take it down from here. We'll see.


Ancient history:
2021-11-27Eight years on
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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