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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
16:40:00 on 2007-07-10

On vacation roadtrips through the south, Marilynn and I had a joke between us about the "ivy monsters" that we saw everywhere roadside. The joke comes and goes, and had somewhat faded into memory because we haven't gone any further east than western Louisiana lately.

However, it was brought back to the forefront in the last week by Marilynn showing me a segment on a TV show about the monsters, which is actually kudzu. It turns out that it truly is a monster, because it's spreading and grows incredibly quickly.

Now, on its own, it's just a data point and I didn't think a whole lot of it. I just filed away the fact that the so-called "ivy monsters" are called kudzu, that we definitely don't want to plant any of this, and thought to myself that it would probably be funny if we could find a way to make ethanol out of it since it grows as much as a foot per day.

I don't know why, but it continued to linger on my mind for some reason. It's not something I'd normally think about, but it just sort of... stuck.


The last couple days I've been having a strange, random problem with the Indy libraries for Delphi (lesson learned: make sure your HTTP GET input doesn't require URL encoding), and in searching for information I discovered that one of the primary developers goes by the nick "kudzu". Very odd, I thought to myself.


I just heard that Doug Marlette, the cartoonist who did the cartoon Kudzu, died in a car wreck today.

Coincidence; co-incidence. Things happening together at once. But the implication in coincidence is that it's accidental and nothing is related.

The thing is... I notice this in my life somewhat regularly. One thread leads to another, and another, and it's almost like they come together through someone's intention. Yes, everything is intertwingled, but it's too uncanny.

One can argue in our media-saturated lives that I have many informational feelers out all the time, and of course I'll notice these sorts of coincidences often when we are exposed to and process through so much information all the time. However, I don't know. It almost seems like tapping into the collective unconscious in a way, even though some of that unconscious is slightly precognitive.

I wish I knew a good way to fully recognize this and test it in some quantitative way. It could be fascinating.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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