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Diaryland is da bomb I just *have* to tell you how much this all sucks. Who're these other people he's writing about? Who's the freak writing this, anyway? What's gone before. What's going on right now? Where do *you* visit on the web? What're you building right now?

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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Push your way to success?
15:45:00 on 2000-05-02

I feel that weird mixture of off and up that is disconcerting, and could go either way. Wish me the right direction.

Oh, I know I talked about doing that project the other day, to start replacing the old "people pages" for Diaryland. I sat down and wrote MySQL database definitions last night and started playing with structures for user authentication. I'm not promising anything, but it's in progress.

Music for a rainy Tuesday:

"I Can See Clearly Now"
By Jonnny Nash

I can see clearly now the rain has gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day

I think I can make it now the pain has gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day

Look all around, there's nothing but blue sky
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue sky

I can see clearly now the rain has gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day

A few years ago there was a big stink over the distinctions between "push" versus "pull" media, and which would prevail online. The big idea is how you find information you want, as a user of the 'net.

Of course, things like the web are "pull" media; I have to go out and actively search for information, select what I want, filter it myself, go get it myself. It's sort of "self-serve" information gathering.

"Push" technology, on the other hand, is fundamentally new, and a paradigm that a lot of people can't deal with because it's not how they'd ever done things before. In a push world, you sign up for services or channels and they send the information to you. It comes to you through very small effort, like when you connect to the 'net you have systems that connect to your services that you subscribe to, download your latest push content, and present it to you.

Of course, the distinction is blurred now - every mid-sized or greater website worth its salt has pull elements (content, forums, etc.) and push elements (email notifications, personalization, etc.).

I can't emphasize enough how much more sense it makes to use push technology to search for work than pull technology. I was in this mindset that looking for a job was work for me to do, not for employers to do. To an extent, it is work for me to do, but it doesn't have to be hard labor.

As it was, I was wandering around to n websites every day looking at all the job ads, trying to find something. Of course, this means that:

  1. positions not posted on these sites are lost to me,
  2. I spend all my time looking for work rather than doing new things and expanding my skill range, and
  3. I get burnt out from just doing the search.

But, like I mentioned the other day, I posted a profile on a major information technology job search website, and over the last couple days the clouds have parted and the sun has shone down upon me. It's the difference between night and day.

I've gotten solicitations through email from four different recruiters in Houston, Dallas and Austin. I've talked to a couple of them, and they've been very forthcoming with potential positions that they have, and I've already got them presenting my resum� to their clients to place me. What's more, this may give me more free time to finish up some of these projects that I have in my mind and have never gotten around to working with. This rocks!

Granted, I don't have a position yet, but things don't look as bleak as they did, and I owe it all to a simple paradigm shift.

I'm not quite sure why I never find my center. I'm either up or down, both at once, but never just okay. It's maddening, I can say that. (The only times I've ever been "okay" were the ones where I just successfully turned off my emotions, and just worked and slept. That's no fun, and I don't think I quite want to go back to that. At least, maybe not until I start doing my own thing, and I can rake in enough cash that I can live off the annuities and do cool things like the Woz or something.)

One thing about the times where I feel up, and I have a project, and at least something seems to be going okay - clarity comes. It's weird. It's almost like flashes of Zen understanding, but it's not that, really. It's just like the mists of my mind part, and I can function.

Of course, I need to make hay while the sun shines, so I will head off and apply keyboard to text editor (I have such a high-tech development style, 'eh?) and see what rolls out.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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