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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
08:35:00 on 2006-12-05

For at least two or three years now, I've had my upper left wisdom tooth disintegrating in my mouth. It started out by coming in partially, then getting a really nasty swelling and, presumably, infection. I kept messing with it and busted it, draining it, and since then it's come and gone in a minor way.

Now for the last day it's hurt again. It's swollen, and when I pressed on it this morning before brushing I could feel it do a little "pop" inside, as though I was releasing pressure. Disgusting and extremely painful.

Add to this that I can feel the top right wisdom tooth starting to break down, too! Yes, I think it's time to have them out.

This should be a busy December. There's the whole Christmas thing to take care of, plus now I have to worry about going ahead and filing to take care of my mother's estate, plus now I am considering getting at least two, if not my third remaining wisdom tooth extracted. Ow.

What's funny is that a couple years ago I screwed up my courage and went to an oral surgeon to have it done. He said that he wouldn't do it while it was infected, and he told me to get antibiotics from my doctor and then come back after two weeks. Of course, it got better on its own, so I never went back to the oral surgeon. Hopefully this time I won't prolong things in that manner.

On the plus side, it's Marilynn's birthday. (Happy monkey birthday!) So that's my immediate concern.

I'm not sure what we'll be doing for it. Marilynn will tell me later (I hope) what she wants us to do, and we'll just have a quiet evening together. (If my jaw is swelled shut, it might me more quiet than we expect. Heh.)

On another note, as I mentioned before I went on a job interview late last week. They never responded to my email telling them that I wanted to withdraw from consideration. I included four people on the email, and not a one of them responded.

Not even a "thanks for your interest," "kthxbai," or "you suck, we wouldn't hire you anyway." Now that's class.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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