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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Thoughts on expired domain suckage
17:00:00 on 2005-02-09

I've thought about it, and decided that if the domains don't get renewed successfully... screw it.

All day I've noted that this domain registrar I use for some of my older domains has been on Yahoo! Instant Messenger, yet been idle. I assume he left it open and then left for work. Now he's not idle, but he's not answering me, either.

I have a bit of history with this guy. For instance, a while one of my domains showed as for sale by his company. When I asked about it he said, "well, maybe someone would want to buy it, a lot of people inquire about domains we registered, and you could stand to gain a lot of money! But if you want to change it back, feel free." No, "sorry, I'll fix that," but an admission of "my screw-up, but hey, it's yours, you fix it." Great service!

Just a few weeks ago I noted that a .info domain was set with all of my registration information. I didn't remember buying it, but I tried to manage it, and it appeared that because I have the .com, he had the .info placed with my registration info on it. So while it shows me as the technical, administrative and billing contact, I have no access to the domain.

It just seems very shady to me.

So now I let one domain expire over the adventure weekend I have yet to write about, and another of my domains expires tonight. I have sent email several times and a few instant messages, but he won't answer me. I should be upset, but I think the answer is to simplify my life. Let it go.

So who do I use now? I have started to use GKG, partly 'cause they're nearby, partly 'cause it's cheaper, partly because I've never had problems with them and partly because their site doesn't look like it's done in Frontpage (like my other registrar).

This guy is starting to piss me off.

So the plan? Get my domains renewed if I can, and if not apply the cost to the one I need to keep. After that? Transfer them to GKG.

Not until he makes a move, though.

I keep all these domains around, and for what purpose? None that I can tell. Despite my best intentions, I never work on anything. Therefore, why am I spending money keeping them around?

There used to be a trend to have a domain for every personal project you did. Now the trend is to use subdomains and keep all your work under one "roof," as it were. I am starting to lean that way. I think it's a better policy.

But seriously, if I get a new site up that should be independent I can register a domain then. Why keep one around for years on the offhand chance I might use it someday?

A lot easier to remember expirations and easier on the wallet, too.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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