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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Dietary musings
10:00:00 on 2005-01-26

I am unsure what to do regarding the diet.

Before the holidays, I was going along at a good clip; nothing was stopping me and then, bam!, family pressure to eat. Then, once I got back to work after being off for Marilynn's surgery and recovery, plus the holidays, I just settled back into eating out all the time and not making good choices.

The holidays really do derail you on the way to losing weight.

Lately, I've been regaining weight. Not all of it, but enough of it. Of course, I've been eating badly, too.

What I have done is started measuring my blood pressure more often. I built an online database to record our blood pressures so that I can build some trending data over time. What I've noticed is that right now it's really high. So high, in fact, I wonder if it's that the diet has changed or that my blood pressure medication isn't working.

This is starting to worry me. I definitely need to get healthier.

I don't know which way to go. Marilynn doesn't want to do Atkins again, because it's too hard to stick to. I agree, it's a very difficult diet to stay with over the long term.

Therefore, we were thinking about trying out Weight Watchers; unfortunately, I got a message when I visited that Mozilla 1.7.1 doesn't meet their site requirements of Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape 7. Ummm... Netscape is Mozilla!

(Needless to say, I was upset that I had to hack my user agent to access their site, and told them as much through their contact form. I wonder if I'll get a DMCA notice for "hacking" their site? I'll let you know what their response is to my somewhat heated contact mail.)

Just on technical grounds, I am upset with Weight Watchers, but also the fact that I have to pay them eighteen dollars a week for us to go to meetings, plus if we want their online tools we have to pay another thirteen dollars a month?

This is getting to be an expensive proposition!

Therefore, I am thinking that I need to go back on Atkins and start eating lunch back at work. I'd lose weight, my blood pressure should go back under control and my appetite would curb. Marilynn says that she could do Weight Watchers on her own if she wanted, so I could do low carb on my own. I wonder how well that would work?


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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