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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Post-*what* headaches?
13:20:00 on 2001-05-15

On the thing with Connie's hair: it isn't all that red. It's definitely darker - in the back it's got a reddish tinge to it. When the light hits it just right, it's definitely red, though.

I rather like it.

I tend to ignore my medical problems. I just outright ignore them most of the time, but this one is sort of... strange.

For the last year or so, whenever I make love to someone I get this constant ache in the base of my skull. It's worrisome, really makes the idea of coming to orgasm unappealing, and makes me wonder what's going on with me.

Connie said I needed to research it. "You could be having a stroke!"

Well, I checked it out, and apparently it's a normal affliction - "post-coital headache," is what it's called. Apparently, there are a number of causes:

  • Not breathing and/or holding neck in a tense or odd position during lovemaking
  • Aneurism
  • Malformed artery dialation
  • Blood pressure
  • Impending stroke

I'm a candidate for any of those, I guess. I really need to get it taken care of, hmmm?

The problem with that is that it leads to a whole new Hell - dealing with my PPO.

How perverse is that, though, that you get a pain during sex that makes you not want it? That's... crazy. And as if I don't feel inadequate enough as it is.

I really need to tell you about Mother's Day, but it has to wait until I'm done at work. It's a doozy.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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