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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Banging my heart against some mad bugger's wall
23:30:00 on 2000-05-03

"Outside the Wall"
From "The Wall" by Pink Floyd

All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all, it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall

Today sucked. It really, really sucked. It sucked so much that it started me to thinking about myself, the people in my life and my place in the world (or lack thereof).

I think I've realized something, and excuse my French: I'm fucking deluded.

I mean, let's face it. I used to be able to do things. I was accomplished. People respected me. I grew up being told that I was a very important person, and I'd make a mark.

Of course, reality has defied this vision of myself for a very long time. I've wondered what sort of misdirection goes on between my ears to make me believe things like I wrote the last couple days, feeling up, in the face of cold, stark reality. I should know that you can believe or dream up theories all day, but the fact remains that reality is the final arbiter.

But the crap going on inside my head kept me up all night building a portfolio of... shit. On the outside chance of actually getting this job that I really didn't want anyway, I knew I wasn't qualified for, but would be a stepladder to something else... that would get me to... someplace.

All ephemeral. All a dream.

Dreams aren't real, though. Dreams are lies that we tell ourselves to keep us going.

I have just come to realize that I'm spread thin, and for some inexplicable reason, I made myself that way on purpose. I'm not one thing or the other; I am a bit of this, and a bit of that.

Nobody wants a dabbler. Dabblers are always outsiders. I'm tired of being an outsider or a disappointment to someone (I seem to have pissed in more than one person's Cheerios today) or not good enough. The fear I feel comes from being a dabbler.

This journal is a symbol of that dabbling. I thought I could actually write something that was interesting to me and others as well. I thought I had something to share, or at least to say.

Instead, I turned it into a constant bitchfest. I don't have a voice. I have a constant whine. I know if I'm sick of hearing myself talk, so I can only imagine how the rest of you feel about it. (Also, the occasional unsubscribe notice from Onelist regarding my notify list has borne that out.)

I don't even like writing anymore, because I can't come up with anything worthwhile to say. I think I first realized it when Trinity shared what I can best call a prototype entry for an online journal if she ever started to keep one, before I drove her off like I do everyone else.

I was staggered. I lost the will to write at that point, because my writing - no matter how much I churn out - can match that one entry.

It's a feeling that has become familiar, and lately, on an almost weekly basis.

Because of experiences like that, or the one I had today, or the myriad of little experiences that point this way, I've decided to just wrap this up. For a while? I don't know. Maybe if I find myself somewhere out there someday, I'll try again. I wouldn't count on it, if things continue as they have.

I'm giving up the stupid dreams. The idea of having my own company. The idea of doing new technology. The idea of trying to catch the wave and surf it to the Next Big Thing. It's not in me, the me that I have become, and I can't escape.

Does that mean I've finally let the flame flicker out? Maybe so. But I don't think it's there. People keep telling me that they see some ethereal quality inside me that makes me special. I think you're all just wrong. It's not there. If it were there, my life wouldn't be this way. Try as I might, I can't change it, and in my attempts, in my flailings trying to make a place for myself, I hurt and alienate you all.

I'm sorry.

So I say goodbye with a heavy heart. In a way, I do know I'll miss this. Why, I don't know, but I know that there is no reason for me to, because in the scheme of things I am a grain of sand on the beach, and if I get dragged into the ocean forever by the tide then it is of no consequence.

I want to thank you all for the emails, even though I so hopelessly suck that I never get around to answering email by spending all my time doing nothing.

Most of all, I want the people I've met over the last year or so, who supported me, who got to know me, who brought me joy and confided in me, to know that you will be sorely missed. Those of you I've mentioned, and those I haven't, are in my thoughts often, and I hope that at least sometimes you think of me and crack a little smile.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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