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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Can'tcha say
17:30:00 on 2000-03-15

Remeron ® Wellbutrin ® Day 20 Remeron ® Wellbutrin ®


Harried. I'm doing my waking up at work today.

Really, though, I feel okay for a change. I think it was because I slept and didn't have The Dreams�. Or maybe it's just my day, or the fact that I don't have to be here at work tomorrow. There's no telling, really.

Annoying discovery:

Damn. I found a bug in the version of Winfax I have. It's not quite a Y2K bug, it's more like a February 29 in the year 2000 bug, from what I can tell. Basically, if you set something to fax in the future, it's twelve hours off. It's been that way since February 29, which is annoying as Hell. What do I use to wake me up now?
I came around to consciousness slowly, laying in bed and listening to the classical music playing on KUHF. Mmmm, it must be ten or eleven in the morning, I thought.

Finally, after ten minutes I decided I wasn't going to slide back off into sleep, so I got up and picked up my watch to see what time it really was.

2:30 PM. Yikes! I have to be at work in 90 minutes. Heavy sigh.

I turned up the stereo... er, computer (I hit Winamp, and turned up the volume) and got into the shower. When I got out and walked through my bedroom, the Boston song "Can'tcha Say (You Believe In Me)" was just starting.

"Can'tcha say you believe in me? Can'tcha see what you mean..." I killed Winamp. I have come to hate that song. No, she can't say that, it'd break her tongue if she did, I thought to myself.

Then I mused on the sad fact that there were an awful lot of "she"s that could fit that description.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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