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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
Observations on "Tragedy"
23:00:00 on 1999-11-18

Please keep your thoughts and well wishes with the students and families involved in today's Bonfire collapse at Texas A&M.

11:00 PM

I'm not an Aggie. I don't even know that many Aggies. I don't even really tell that many Aggie jokes. But this really hit home for me. I don't know why. Maybe I know what it feels like to have your life essentially end (or be radically and forever changed) before it even gets a chance to begin.

But there's something else that bothers me.

I think I realized today what they mean by "flyover country" when talking about the media. Everywhere I turn, I find people in the local and regional media talking about the bonfire tragedy, appealing for blood, asking what happened or if the tradition of bonfire will be, or even should be, continued.

I expect that here. We aren't that far from A&M here, after all. However, I would expect nine confirmed dead and dozens injured to make some national media, get some support, get some help.

I can't say what other media outlets did, but the main national news media I listen to is National Public Radio. I listened to "All Things Considered", all two hours. During the news on the half hour, they mentioned the tragedy briefly. But you'd think for something going on all day, with news crews on the scene (even some from NPR member stations), they could put together a ninety second spot on something of this magnitude.

But no. We're "flyover country." We aren't the rich or powerful in Washington DC, the northeast or the west coast. We're just nobody, I guess. They'll only do a story on people in "flyover country" if it directly affects the agenda they are setting forth, like a shooting (since NPR is unashamedly pro-gun control) or a natural disaster (all the big insurance companies are up in the northeast, so it indirectly affects them, too, 'eh?).

It seems interesting that they ran spots on

  • a writer and composer who died today (if they can put together a story on him in one day, why can't they put one together on the students who died? Also, obit pieces are often put off a day),
  • looking for stray meteors in the upper atmosphere (easily pushed back a day),
  • commentary on some guy who's in love with his 401K plan (oh, yay, more Boomer yuppie money grubbing), or
  • the TV show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" (really, truly, who cares?),
rather than this story. It's always interesting to find out what people think of you.

I find it funny that Moogie and Geegee really used to think it was part of my mental illness that I was so cynical. Part of paranoia is heightened awareness, to the point of it being blown all out of proportion, but when there is a complete lack of concern or compassion like this, you can't help but notice it. (I'm slowly giving Moogie lessons in cynicism, although she takes it the entirely opposite way, and I tend to be the outlet for the anger it generates.)

This all reiterates what I've always heard, and always said, in turn - seize the media. Don't be content to be a media consumer. Be a media producer. Everyone's ideas need to be heard.

So thank you, NPR. For the last year I've been unable to support you because I've been in no financial position to do so. I know now that when I am in that position, instead I should invest the money elsewhere, such as an independent media collective, or helping someone get pirate radio off the ground in my area.

And I have to get my voice out there.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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