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Another smart-assed remark from Mike
A sign of the impending apocalypse
14:15:00 on 1999-10-26

I am experiencing fear.

I wandered through the living room to make lunch in the kitchen. Being a media-saturated being, of course, I had to turn on the TV.

While I'm cooking, the news is on. They're doing the entertainment news, announcing the cancellation of "Harsh Realm" (should have kept "Millennium", 'eh?), and then there was a report on a shocking spectacle taking place in London on a regular basis.

No, it's not blood sports.

It isn't even the creation of some fantastic weapon to destroy mankind.

It's not rituals to summon evil and vile creatures from the dark recesses of Hell.

Well, unless you count the von Trapp children.

Since this summer, people have been gathering at a theatre in London to do a "Rocky Horror Picture Show"-style show for "The Sound of Music". People show up in full costume (and during intermission there is a costume contest), act out parts, talk to the characters, and sing along with the show.

No, it isn't a rebellion by the patrons of the theatre. They're encouraged to do so by the words to songs being flashed onscreen in karaoke style.

And they're catering to sold-out crowds every night.

"The aisles are alive..."

P.S. Chris Carter is supposedly going to be on Art Bell tonight. Should be interesting.


Ancient history:
2013-03-01"You'll be stone dead in a moment!"
2007-08-07I covet fuck you money
2007-07-16My own long, dark tea-time of the soul
2007-07-11My internet experience is lacking

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